Monday, March 21, 2011

mixtape monday(ze)

so, last night i had one too many at a new (well, new to me) bar in riverwest. on what is normally a sleepy and slow sunday at the bremen cafe, margaret, the cute and hipstery bartender, has come up with a rather refreshing idea of how to get folks to come see her. she calls it 'local love,' and only plays music made in wisco or by wisconsinites.  now here's the backstory, ever since a crackhead shot the cafe up over a year ago, after getting his wi-fi access cut off because he never bought anything, i have avoided that place like the plague. i mean, he shot up an empty bar, so fortunately, no one got hurt. but, he missed his target, and you just never know with that kind of crazy. however, enough time had passed (i hoped), and i was intrigued to see if one could fill an entire night with only locally grown music. i was even more curious to hear what such a mix would sound like. you know what? it sounded pretty damn good. i heard some jail, faux fir, juiceboxx (love it!), celebrated workingman, bon iver (i questioned this one, and turns out that justin vernon is from bumblefuck, wi. like i said, i had one too many, so i don't recall the exact town, might have been la crosse?). and, of course, the wildbirds were on that mix, too (some of whom were also at the bar, playing words with friends on their smart phones i might add, in games against each other. like true nerds. and don't worry, i'm not talking shit, i said this to their faces as well). but, i digress.

so, here's the point, after getting my live music fix with the cold war kids recently, and then discovering/re-discovering how awesome wisconsin musicians are, i wanted to spread my musical bliss around. thus, in my slighlty hazy and hungover condition, mixtape monday(ze) are born.

*sidenote: there was also a drunken idea thrown around last night, about tossing in a hater moment or two in this blog, despite my mission statement of it being about things i love, and i believe the first hater moment was to be sponsored by terrible jeans. in the light of day, the whole hating on terrible jeans was a terrible idea, but it was so terribly awful, i felt compelled to share. now, without further ado...

here's what my mix for the moment looks like (i added a few links so you can hear what is sounds like too):

kid cudi-mojo so dope
ratatat & kanye- diamonds
chromeo- needy girl
mumford & sons- roll away your stone
radiohead- little by little
yeasayer - one
fm belfast- vhs
the gossip- love long distance
neon indian- deadbeat summer
empire of the sun- walking on a dream
kid cudi ft. cage & st. vincent- maniac
the heavy- short change hero
cold war kids - finally begin
the naked and famous - young blood
the wildbirds - when i'm with my friends (see a video of this song at
al green & jay-z- can't knock the hustle (this is from the green album, which remixes al green's music with hip hop classics- you need this! and you can download it here -->

1 comment:

  1. Justin Vernon is from Eau Claire. Slightly different sort of bumblefuck than La Crosse. :)
